Former NBA Star Delonte West's Cry For Help


The six foot four former NBA player, Delonte West, was recently seen wandering a Jack In The Box parking lot in Houston, wearing a hospital gown and no shoes.

West made more than $16 million in salary during his eight seasons with the league. He played for five different teams during this time. A 2015 article in the Washington Post, describes his fall and rise through the NBA.

West was diagnosed as being bipolar in 2008, and left the league in 2012 - yet, many wonder where was the NBA or NBAPA in all this? What treatment was made available when he was playing after 2008?

This serves as a stark reminder that mental illness can affect anyone, and you are NOT alone.

Read more here + here.

Mike Donahue

Being at the right place at the right time to get the shot. That’s the mantra of Alexandria, Va., based photographer, Michael Donahue.  While completely versatile, Mike focuses on capturing the hidden beauty and drama of everyday life. His sometimes gritty imagery are drawn upon from experience as a steel worker in one of the hardest working regions of the country, mid-Michigan. Moving to Northern Virginia with his family now allows Mike the opportunity to hone his skill as a photographer in and around the Nation’s Capital. As he completes projects and tries new ideas, Mike’s innovative and unique style is evident in his signature work.